getAbsolutePath() - Method in class data.nodes.FileNode
getAbsPath() - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
Liefert physikalischen Pfad dieser Node zurück
getAchievedPoints(String) - Method in class data.CorrectionManager
Alle erreichten Punkte eines Studenten in Übungsserien.
getAllAntwortenAtFrage(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_Forum
getAllExams(String, String) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.DatenWebService
getAllExams(String, String) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.KlausurDaten
getAllExams() - Method in class xml.Xml_Exam
Gibt alle Klausuren zurueck.
getAllFragen(long) - Method in class xml.Xml_Forum
getAllNews() - Method in class xml.XML_News
getAllNews(boolean) - Method in class xml.XML_News
getAllPendingPwds() - Method in class xml.Xml_PendingSubscription
Gibts alle PendingPwds zurueck.
getAllPendingSubscriptions() - Method in class xml.Xml_PendingSubscription
gibt alle PendingSubscriptions dieses Files zurueck.
getAllSerienDaten(String, String) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.DatenWebService
getAllSerienDaten(String, String) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.SerienDaten
getAllSeries() - Method in class xml.series.Xml_SeriesManager
Gibt alle Serien zurueck.
getAllUsers() - Method in class manager.LoginManager
Erstellt Aufzählung aller eingeloggten User
getAndCheckParameter(String) - Method in class services.IncludeService
getAndCheckParameter(String) - Method in class services.Service
Request Parameter (Query-Var) auslesen und HTML rausfiltern.
getAndCheckParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class services.Service
Request Parameter (Query-Var) auslesen und überprüfen.
getAndCheckParameter(String, boolean, int) - Method in class services.Service
Request Parameter (Query-Var) auslesen und überprüfen.
getAndCheckParameter(String, boolean, int, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class services.Service
Request Parameter (Query-Var) auslesen und überprüfen.
getAndCheckParameter(String) - Method in class services.UploadService
getAndCheckParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class services.UploadService
getAndCheckParameter(String, boolean, int) - Method in class services.UploadService
getAnswer() - Method in class xml.series.TaskBean.AnswerBean
getAnswer(String) - Method in class xml.series.TaskBean
getAnswerFile() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_Upload
getAnswerLink() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getAnswerLink() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_MC
getAnswerLink() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_Upload
getAnswers() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_MC.MCElementHandler.Task
getAnswers() - Method in class xml.series.TaskBean
getAuthor() - Method in class model.ForumDaten
getBaseDirNode(String) - Static method in class data.FileManager
Erzeugt Directory-Node relativ zum Data-Verzeichnis.
getBaseDirNode(String, Directory) - Static method in class data.FileManager
Erzeugt Directory-Node relativ zum Data-Verzeichnis.
getBooleanCookie(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a boolean
getBooleanCookie(String, boolean) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a boolean, with a default.
getBooleanParameter(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a boolean, with true indicated by "true", "on", or "yes" in any letter case, false indicated by "false", "off", or "no" in any letter case.
getBooleanParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a boolean, with a default.
getBundle() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.LocaleNegotiator
Gets the chosen bundle.
getByteCookie(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a byte
getByteCookie(String, byte) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a byte, with a default.
getByteParameter(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a byte
getByteParameter(String, byte) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a byte, with a default.
getCategory() - Method in class xml.series.TaskBean
getCharCookie(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a char
getCharCookie(String, char) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a char, with a default.
getCharParameter(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a char
getCharParameter(String, char) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a char, with a default.
getCharset() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.LocaleNegotiator
Gets the chosen charset.
getCharset(Locale) - Static method in class com.oreilly.servlet.LocaleToCharsetMap
Gets the preferred charset for the given locale, or null if the locale is not recognized.
getCheckedString() - Method in class xml_utils.LinkAndEmailCheck
getContent() - Method in class manager.RequestInfo
getContent() - Method in class services.Service
gesamte Ausgabe des (Text-)Service binäre Services schreiben direkt in den ServletOutputStream
getContentType() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.FilePart
Returns the content type of the file data contained within.
getContentType(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest
Returns the content type of the specified file (as supplied by the client browser), or null if the file was not included in the upload.
getContentType(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartWrapper
getContentType() - Method in class services.Service
Returniert gesetzten ContentType für Ausgabe.
getContextPath() - Method in class manager.RequestInfo
getCorrectAnswers() - Method in class xml.series.TaskBean
getCorrectedAnswerFile() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_Upload
getCorrectedAnswerLink() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getCorrectedAnswerLink() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_MC
getCorrectedAnswerLink() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_Upload
getCorrectionData(String, int) - Method in class data.CorrectionManager
Liefert Correctionobjekt für einen Studenten und eine Serie zurück.
getCorrections(String) - Method in class data.CorrectionManager
getCorrector() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getCurrent(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
Gibt die Anzahl schon eingetragener Studenten einer Gruppe zur???
getDatabaseLogger() - Method in class manager.UebManagerServer
getDate() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.KlausurBean
getDate() - Method in class model.Exam
getDateFromAnswerFile() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_Upload
getDateFromCorrFilename() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_Upload
getDeadline() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.SerienBean
getDeadline() - Method in class model.Series
getDescription() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getDescription() - Method in class data.nodes.CorrectedFolder
getDescription() - Method in class data.nodes.CorrectionRootFolder
getDescription() - Method in interface data.nodes.DataNode
getDescription() - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
Liefert zugehörigen Beschreibungstext.
getDescription() - Method in class data.nodes.FileNode
getDescription() - Method in class data.nodes.NoStudentSolutionYetFolder
getDescription() - Method in class data.nodes.NoStudentSolutionYetNode
getDescription() - Method in class data.nodes.SeriesFolder
getDescription() - Method in class data.nodes.UncorrectedFolder
getDescription() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.KlausurBean
getDescription() - Method in class model.Exam
getDescription() - Method in class xml.series.TaskFileHandler
getDescriptionOfPropertyVars() - Method in class data.exam.MaxPointsInExamRestriction
getDescriptionOfPropertyVars() - Method in class data.exam.PointsRestriction
getDescriptionOfPropertyVars() - Method in interface data.exam.SubscriptionRestriction
Beschreibender Name des entspr.
getDeserializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in class de.dassow.ws.client.UserBean
Get Custom Deserializer
getDeserializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in exception de.dassow.ws.server.NoAdminException
Get Custom Deserializer
getDeserializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in class de.dassow.ws.server.UserBean
Get Custom Deserializer
getDeserializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in exception de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerException
Get Custom Deserializer
getDeserializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.UserBean
Get Custom Deserializer
getDeserializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in exception de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryException
Get Custom Deserializer
getDeserializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.ResponseContext
Get Custom Deserializer
getDeserializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.UebmanInstance
Get Custom Deserializer
getDisplayedAnswers() - Method in class xml.series.TaskBean
getDisplayedTasks() - Method in class xml.series.TaskFileHandler
getDoubleCookie(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a double
getDoubleCookie(String, double) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a double, with a default.
getDoubleParameter(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a double
getDoubleParameter(String, double) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a double, with a default.
getEmail() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.UserBean
Gets the email value for this UserBean.
getEmail() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.UserBean
Gets the email value for this UserBean.
getEmail() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.UserBean
Gets the email value for this UserBean.
getEmail() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.server.UserBean
getEmail() - Method in class model.User
getEmailAtGruppe(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
getEnrollment() - Method in class model.Group
getExam(int) - Method in class xml.Xml_Exam
getExamData(String, int) - Method in class data.CorrectionManager
GetExamResults - Class in data.exam.reexam
GetExamResults() - Constructor for class data.exam.reexam.GetExamResults
getExams(String) - Method in class data.CorrectionManager
getExtraTime() - Method in class xml.series.Xml_SeriesManager
getFieldDescriptions() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getFieldDescriptions() - Method in class data.ExamData
getFieldDescriptions() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.UebmanInstanceListable
getFieldDescriptions() - Method in class model.Exam
getFieldDescriptions() - Method in class model.ForumDaten
getFieldDescriptions() - Method in class model.Group
getFieldDescriptions() - Method in class model.Series
getFieldDescriptions() - Method in class model.SeriesStatistics
getFieldDescriptions() - Method in class model.User
getFieldDescriptions() - Method in interface services.util.Listable
Enthält die Namen der Felder, die in der Kopfzeile stehen.
getFieldValue(int) - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getFieldValue(int) - Method in class data.ExamData
getFieldValue(int) - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.UebmanInstanceListable
getFieldValue(int) - Method in class model.Exam
getFieldValue(int) - Method in class model.ForumDaten
getFieldValue(int) - Method in class model.Group
getFieldValue(int) - Method in class model.Series
getFieldValue(int) - Method in class model.SeriesStatistics
getFieldValue(int) - Method in class model.User
getFieldValue(int) - Method in interface services.util.Listable
getFile(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest
Returns a File object for the specified file saved on the server's filesystem, or null if the file was not included in the upload.
getFile(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartWrapper
getFile(String) - Static method in class data.FileManager
getFile(String, Directory) - Static method in class data.FileManager
getFile(String) - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
getFileInputStream() - Method in class data.nodes.FileNode
getFileName() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.FilePart
Returns the name that the file was stored with on the remote system, or null if the user didn't enter a file to be uploaded.
getFilename() - Method in class model.Series
getFileNames() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest
Returns the names of all the uploaded files as an Enumeration of Strings.
getFileNames() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartWrapper
getFilePath() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.FilePart
Returns the full path and name of the file on the remote system, or null if the user didn't enter a file to be uploaded.
getFileReader() - Method in class data.nodes.FileNode
getFiles() - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
Alle Files im Verz. ohne dirinfo.xml
getFiles(boolean) - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
getFiles(String) - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
getFiles(boolean, String) - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
Alle Files im Verz.
getFilesystemName(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest
Returns the filesystem name of the specified file, or null if the file was not included in the upload.
getFilesystemName(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartWrapper
getFloatCookie(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a float
getFloatCookie(String, float) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a float, with a default.
getFloatParameter(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a float
getFloatParameter(String, float) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a float, with a default.
getFortune() - Method in class util.fun.Fortune
getFrage(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_Forum
getGesammtPunkte() - Method in class xml.Xml_Student
getGruppe(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
getGruppeForStudent(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
Gibt den Namen der Gruppe des Studenten zur???
getGruppen() - Method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
gibt alle Gruppen in einem Group Array zurueck.
getGruppenId(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
getGruppenNamen(String, String) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.DatenWebService
getGruppenNamen(String, String) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.GruppenDaten
getGruppenNamen() - Method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
Gibt die Namen aller registrierten Gruppen zurueck.
getHeartbeat() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.ResponseContext
Gets the heartbeat value for this ResponseContext.
getHomeDir(String) - Static method in class data.FileManager
Erzeugt Directory-Node zum Home-Verz eines Users
getIcon() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getIcon() - Method in class data.nodes.CorrectedFolder
getIcon() - Method in class data.nodes.CorrectionRootFolder
getIcon() - Method in interface data.nodes.DataNode
getIcon() - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
getIcon() - Method in class data.nodes.FileNode
getIcon() - Method in class data.nodes.NoStudentSolutionYetFolder
getIcon() - Method in class data.nodes.NoStudentSolutionYetNode
getIcon() - Method in class data.nodes.SeriesFolder
getIcon() - Method in class data.nodes.UncorrectedFolder
getId() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_MC.MCElementHandler.Task
getId() - Method in class model.Exam
getID() - Method in class model.ForumDaten
getMethoden zum Auslesen der private Methoden
getId() - Method in class model.Group
getId() - Method in class model.News
getId() - Method in class model.PendingPwd
getId() - Method in class model.PendingSubscription
getId() - Method in class model.Series
getId() - Method in class xml.series.TaskBean.AnswerBean
getId() - Method in class xml.series.TaskBean
getIdentification() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getIdentification() - Method in class data.nodes.CorrectedFolder
getIdentification() - Method in class data.nodes.CorrectionRootFolder
getIdentification() - Method in interface data.nodes.DataNode
getIdentification() - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
getIdentification() - Method in class data.nodes.FileNode
getIdentification() - Method in class data.nodes.NoStudentSolutionYetFolder
getIdentification() - Method in class data.nodes.NoStudentSolutionYetNode
getIdentification() - Method in class data.nodes.SeriesFolder
getIdentification() - Method in class data.nodes.UncorrectedFolder
getIdentificationString() - Method in class data.exam.MaxPointsInExamRestriction
getIdentificationString() - Method in class data.exam.PointsRestriction
getIdentificationString() - Method in interface data.exam.SubscriptionRestriction
getIncorrectAnswers() - Method in class xml.series.TaskBean
getInputStream() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.FilePart
Returns an input stream which contains the contents of the file supplied.
getInstance() - Static method in class data.CorrectionManager
getInstance() - Static method in class data.StatisticsManager
getInstance() - Static method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegClient
getInstance() - Static method in class manager.LoginManager
LoginManager Singleton
getInstance(HttpServlet) - Static method in class manager.UebManagerServer
Singleton-Instanz holen und evtl. initalisieren.
getInstance() - Static method in class manager.UebManagerServer
Singleton-Instanz holen
getInstance() - Static method in class util.fun.Fortune
getInstance() - Static method in class xml.series.Xml_SeriesManager
gibt das singleton zurueck.
getInstance() - Static method in class xml.Xml_Exam
gibt das singleton zurueck.
getInstance() - Static method in class xml.Xml_Forum
getInstance() - Static method in class xml.Xml_ManagerPrefs
getInstance() - Static method in class xml.XML_News
getInstance() - Static method in class xml.Xml_PendingSubscription
gibt das singleton zurueck.
getInstance() - Static method in class xml.Xml_RegUser
getInstance() - Static method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
getInstances() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegClient
getInstances() - Method in interface de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.Registry
getInstances() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistrySoapBindingStub
getInstancesAsListable(boolean) - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegClient
getIntCookie(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a int
getIntCookie(String, int) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a int, with a default.
getIntParameter(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a int
getIntParameter(String, int) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a int, with a default.
getJavaVersion() - Static method in class com.oreilly.servlet.VersionDetector
Determines the JDK version number.
getKontext() - Method in class manager.RequestInfo
getKontextBySession(HttpSession) - Method in class manager.LoginManager
Kontext vom User mit dieser Session zurückgeben.
getLectureDescription() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.UebmanInstance
Gets the lectureDescription value for this UebmanInstance.
getLectureLocation() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.UebmanInstance
Gets the lectureLocation value for this UebmanInstance.
getLectureName() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.UebmanInstance
Gets the lectureName value for this UebmanInstance.
getLecturer() - Method in class model.Group
getLecturerMail() - Method in class model.Group
getLectureTime() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.UebmanInstance
Gets the lectureTime value for this UebmanInstance.
getLeiterAtGruppe(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
getList() - Method in class xml.Xml_Student
getListOf() - Method in class xml.Xml_RegUser
Gibt alle Benutzer der Datenbank als User array Zurueck ala: SELECT * FROM regUsers
getListOf(String, String) - Method in class xml.Xml_RegUser
Gibt eine Liste aller user zurueck, die in einem bestimmten attrib einen bestimmten Wert besitzen.
getListOfGruppe(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
getLocale() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.LocaleNegotiator
Gets the chosen locale.
getLocation() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.KlausurBean
getLocation() - Method in class model.Exam
getLogger() - Method in class manager.UebManagerServer
getLogin() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.UserBean
Gets the login value for this UserBean.
getLogin() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.UserBean
Gets the login value for this UserBean.
getLogin() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.UserBean
Gets the login value for this UserBean.
getLogin() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.server.UserBean
getLogin() - Method in class model.PendingPwd
getLogin() - Method in class model.User
getLongCookie(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a long
getLongCookie(String, long) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a long, with a default.
getLongParameter(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a long
getLongParameter(String, long) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a long, with a default.
getMax(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
getMaxID() - Method in class xml.series.Xml_SeriesManager
getMaxID() - Method in class xml.Xml_Exam
getMaxId() - Method in class xml.Xml_Forum
getMaxMembers() - Method in class model.Group
getMaxPoints() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.SerienBean
getMaxPoints() - Method in class model.Series
getMCElementHandler() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_MC
getMembers() - Method in class model.Group
getMessage() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.ResponseContext
Gets the message value for this ResponseContext.
getMillisFromString(String) - Static method in class util.DateUtil
getMissingParameters(String[]) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Determines which of the required parameters were missing from the request.
getName() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.Part
Returns the name of the form element that this Part corresponds to.
getName() - Method in class data.nodes.FileNode
getName() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.UserBean
Gets the name value for this UserBean.
getName() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.KlausurBean
getName() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.UserBean
Gets the name value for this UserBean.
getName() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.UserBean
Gets the name value for this UserBean.
getName() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.server.UserBean
getName() - Method in class model.Exam
getName() - Method in class model.User
getNamenListe(String, String) - Method in interface de.dassow.ws.client.NamenListe
getNamenListe() - Method in interface de.dassow.ws.client.NamenListeService
getNamenListe(URL) - Method in interface de.dassow.ws.client.NamenListeService
getNamenListe() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.NamenListeServiceLocator
getNamenListe(URL) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.NamenListeServiceLocator
getNamenListe(String, String) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.NamenListeSoapBindingStub
getNamenListe(String, String) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.DatenWebService
getNamenListe(String, String) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.NamenListe
getNamenListeAddress() - Method in interface de.dassow.ws.client.NamenListeService
getNamenListeAddress() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.NamenListeServiceLocator
getNamenListeWSDDServiceName() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.NamenListeServiceLocator
getNegativePoints() - Method in class xml.series.TaskFileHandler
getNewsById(String) - Method in class xml.XML_News
getOriginalFileName(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest
Returns the original filesystem name of the specified file (before any renaming policy was applied), or null if the file was not included in the upload.
getOrt() - Method in class model.Group
getOrtAtGruppe(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
getOutStream() - Method in class manager.RequestInfo
getOutWriter() - Method in class manager.RequestInfo
getParameter(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest
Returns the value of the named parameter as a String, or null if the parameter was not sent or was sent without a value.
getParameter(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartWrapper
getParameterMap() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartWrapper
getParameterNames() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest
Returns the names of all the parameters as an Enumeration of Strings.
getParameterNames() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartWrapper
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest
Returns the values of the named parameter as a String array, or null if the parameter was not sent.
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartWrapper
getPassword() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.UserBean
Gets the password value for this UserBean.
getPassword() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.UserBean
Gets the password value for this UserBean.
getPassword() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.UserBean
Gets the password value for this UserBean.
getPassword() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.server.UserBean
getPath() - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
Liefert relativen Pfad im Data-Verzeichnis
getPath() - Static method in class xml_utils.Xml_Constants
getPath2Conf() - Method in class manager.UebManagerServer
getPath2Data() - Method in class manager.UebManagerServer
getPath2Data(String) - Method in class manager.UebManagerServer
Pfad zum Data-Verz.
getPath2Log() - Method in class manager.UebManagerServer
getPath2Templates() - Method in class manager.UebManagerServer
getPath2Templates(String) - Method in class manager.UebManagerServer
getPathToStudent() - Static method in class xml_utils.Xml_Constants
getPending(long) - Method in class xml.Xml_PendingSubscription
gibt eine PendingSubscription zu einer id zurueck.
getPendingPwd(long) - Method in class xml.Xml_PendingSubscription
Gibt das gespeicherte PendingPwd Objekt zu einer id zurueck.
getPermutation(int) - Static method in class util.RandomUtil
Zufällige Permutation der ersten n Zahlen in Array der Länge n erstellen
getPoints() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getPointsOfAllSeries() - Method in class xml.series.Xml_SeriesManager
getPointsOfAllSeries() - Method in class xml.Xml_Exam
getPointsOfStudent(String) - Method in class data.exam.reexam.GetExamResults
getPort(Class) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.NamenListeServiceLocator
For the given interface, get the stub implementation.
getPort(QName, Class) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.NamenListeServiceLocator
For the given interface, get the stub implementation.
getPort(Class) - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerServiceLocator
For the given interface, get the stub implementation.
getPort(QName, Class) - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerServiceLocator
For the given interface, get the stub implementation.
getPort(Class) - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryServiceLocator
For the given interface, get the stub implementation.
getPort(QName, Class) - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryServiceLocator
For the given interface, get the stub implementation.
getPorts() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.NamenListeServiceLocator
getPorts() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerServiceLocator
getPorts() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryServiceLocator
getPositivePoints() - Method in class xml.series.TaskFileHandler
getPrintStream() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.MailMessage
Returns a PrintStream that can be used to write the body of the message.
getPrivateID() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_MC.MCElementHandler.Task.Answer
getProblem() - Method in class xml.series.TaskBean
getPropertyVars() - Method in class data.exam.MaxPointsInExamRestriction
getPropertyVars() - Method in class data.exam.PointsRestriction
getPropertyVars() - Method in interface data.exam.SubscriptionRestriction
alle Var., die in Properties gespeichert werden müssen ohne "method"-Property
getPublicBaseDirNode(String) - Static method in class data.FileManager
Erzeugt Directory-Node relativ zum data/public-Verzeichnis.
getPublicDir() - Static method in class data.FileManager
Directory-Node des Public-Verz.
getPublicFile(String) - Static method in class data.FileManager
getPwd() - Method in class model.PendingPwd
getPwd() - Method in class model.User
getRawDescription() - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
Liefert zugehörigen Beschreibungstext.
getRawDescription() - Method in class data.nodes.FileNode
getRegistry() - Method in interface de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryService
getRegistry(URL) - Method in interface de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryService
getRegistry() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryServiceLocator
getRegistry(URL) - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryServiceLocator
getRegistryAddress() - Method in interface de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryService
getRegistryAddress() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryServiceLocator
getRegistryWSDDServiceName() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryServiceLocator
getRemoteUserManager() - Method in interface de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerService
getRemoteUserManager(URL) - Method in interface de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerService
getRemoteUserManager() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerServiceLocator
getRemoteUserManager(URL) - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerServiceLocator
getRemoteUserManagerAddress() - Method in interface de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerService
getRemoteUserManagerAddress() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerServiceLocator
getRemoteUserManagerWSDDServiceName() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerServiceLocator
getReplies() - Method in class model.ForumDaten
getRequest() - Method in class manager.RequestInfo
getRequestURI() - Method in class manager.RequestInfo
getResource(ServletContext, String) - Static method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ServletUtils
Gets a reference to the given resource within the given context, making sure not to serve the contents of WEB-INF, META-INF, or to display .jsp file source.
getResponse() - Method in class manager.RequestInfo
getRestrictionClasses() - Static method in class model.Exam
getRestrictionMethod() - Method in class model.Exam
getRestrictionObjectByMethod(String) - Static method in class model.Exam
getRole() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.UserBean
Gets the role value for this UserBean.
getRole() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.UserBean
Gets the role value for this UserBean.
getRole() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.UserBean
Gets the role value for this UserBean.
getRole() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.server.UserBean
getRolle() - Method in class model.User
getSerializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in class de.dassow.ws.client.UserBean
Get Custom Serializer
getSerializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in exception de.dassow.ws.server.NoAdminException
Get Custom Serializer
getSerializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in class de.dassow.ws.server.UserBean
Get Custom Serializer
getSerializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in exception de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerException
Get Custom Serializer
getSerializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.UserBean
Get Custom Serializer
getSerializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in exception de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryException
Get Custom Serializer
getSerializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.ResponseContext
Get Custom Serializer
getSerializer(String, Class, QName) - Static method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.UebmanInstance
Get Custom Serializer
getSerie(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_Student
getSerienID() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.SerienBean
getSerienURL() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.SerienBean
getSeries() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getSeries(Element) - Method in class xml.series.MCSeriesElementHandler
getSeries(Element) - Method in interface xml.series.SeriesElementHandler
Serie aus Serienelement auslesen
getSeries(Element) - Method in class xml.series.UploadSeriesElementHandler
getSeries(int) - Method in class xml.series.Xml_SeriesManager
getSeriesID() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getService(RequestInfo, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class manager.ServiceFactory
Liefert den gewünschten Service in Abhängigkeit der og.
getServiceName() - Method in class de.dassow.ws.client.NamenListeServiceLocator
getServiceName() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerServiceLocator
getServiceName() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryServiceLocator
getServlet(String, ServletRequest, ServletContext) - Static method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ServletUtils
Gets a reference to the named servlet, attempting to load it through an HTTP request if necessary.
getServletContext() - Method in class manager.UebManagerServer
getServletPath() - Method in class manager.RequestInfo
getServletURLBase() - Method in class manager.RequestInfo
getServletURLBase() - Method in class manager.UebManagerServer
getServletVersion() - Static method in class com.oreilly.servlet.VersionDetector
Determines the Servlet API version number.
getSession() - Method in class manager.Kontext
getSessionID() - Method in class manager.Kontext
getShortCookie(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a short
getShortCookie(String, short) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a short, with a default.
getShortParameter(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a short
getShortParameter(String, short) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a short, with a default.
getSpecialType() - Method in class data.nodes.FileNode
getStackTraceAsString(Throwable) - Static method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ServletUtils
Gets an exception's stack trace as a String
getStartTimeInMillis() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_MC.MCElementHandler
getStatistics() - Method in class data.StatisticsManager
getStatus() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getStatus() - Method in class data.ExamData
getStatusCode() - Method in class services.Service
Liefert Status-Code des Service.
getStringCookie(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a String
getStringCookie(String, String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.CookieParser
Gets the named cookie value as a String, with a default.
getStringFromMillis(long) - Static method in class util.DateUtil
getStringParameter(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a String
getStringParameter(String, String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.ParameterParser
Gets the named parameter value as a String, with a default.
getStringValue() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.ParamPart
Returns the value of the parameter in as a string (using the parser-specified encoding to convert from bytes) or the empty string if the user entered no value for this parameter.
getStringValue(String) - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.ParamPart
Returns the value of the parameter in the supplied encoding or empty string if the user entered no value for this parameter.
getStudent() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getStudentenAtGruppe(String, String, String) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.DatenWebService
getStudentenAtGruppe(String, String, String) - Method in class de.dassow.ws.server.GruppenDaten
getStudentLogin() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getStudentLogins() - Method in class xml.Xml_RegUser
Returniert Liste mit Logins aller Studenten.
getSubDir(String) - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
getSubDirs() - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
Alle Unterverzeichnisse
getSubject() - Method in class model.ForumDaten
getSubNodes() - Method in class data.CorrectionData
getSubNodes() - Method in class data.nodes.CorrectedFolder
getSubNodes() - Method in class data.nodes.CorrectionRootFolder
getSubNodes() - Method in interface data.nodes.DataNode
getSubNodes() - Method in class data.nodes.Directory
getSubNodes() - Method in class data.nodes.FileNode
FileNode kann keine SubNodes haben!
getSubNodes() - Method in class data.nodes.NoStudentSolutionYetFolder
getSubNodes() - Method in class data.nodes.NoStudentSolutionYetNode
getSubNodes() - Method in class data.nodes.SeriesFolder
getSubNodes() - Method in class data.nodes.UncorrectedFolder
getSubscriptionRestriction() - Method in class model.Exam
getSubscriptionRestrictionProperties() - Method in class model.Exam
getTask(String) - Method in class xml.series.TaskFileHandler
getTaskfile() - Method in class model.Series_MC
getTaskFileHandler() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_MC
getTaskNo() - Method in class services.student.StudentSeries_MCExecute.TaskFormData
getTasks() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_MC.MCElementHandler
getTasks() - Method in class xml.series.TaskFileHandler
getText() - Method in class model.ForumDaten
getText() - Method in class model.News
getTime() - Method in class model.Group
getTime() - Method in class model.PendingPwd
getTime() - Method in class model.PendingSubscription
getTimeInMinutes() - Method in class xml.series.TaskFileHandler
getTimestamp() - Method in class model.ForumDaten
getTimestamp() - Method in class model.News
getTitle() - Method in class xml.series.TaskFileHandler
getTries() - Method in class data.CorrectionData_MC.MCElementHandler
getTries() - Method in class xml.series.TaskFileHandler
getType(int) - Method in class xml.series.Xml_SeriesManager
getTypeDesc() - Static method in class de.dassow.ws.client.UserBean
Return type metadata object
getTypeDesc() - Static method in exception de.dassow.ws.server.NoAdminException
Return type metadata object
getTypeDesc() - Static method in class de.dassow.ws.server.UserBean
Return type metadata object
getTypeDesc() - Static method in exception de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerException
Return type metadata object
getTypeDesc() - Static method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.UserBean
Return type metadata object
getTypeDesc() - Static method in exception de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.RegistryException
Return type metadata object
getTypeDesc() - Static method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.ResponseContext
Return type metadata object
getTypeDesc() - Static method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.UebmanInstance
Return type metadata object
getURISuffix() - Method in class manager.RequestInfo
extrahiert an URL angehängten Pfad
getUrl() - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.regclient.UebmanInstance
Gets the url value for this UebmanInstance.
getUrlFromLinkFile(FileNode) - Static method in class data.FileManager
getUser() - Method in class manager.Kontext
getUser() - Method in class model.PendingSubscription
getUserData(String, String) - Method in interface de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManager
getUserData(String, String, String) - Static method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerClient
getUserData(String, String) - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.client.RemoteUserManagerSoapBindingStub
getUserData(String, String) - Method in class de.thorstenberger.uebman.ws.server.RemoteUserManager
getUserdaten(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_RegUser
gibt die Daten eines Users in Form eines "User" Objektes zurueck.
getValue() - Method in class com.oreilly.servlet.multipart.ParamPart
Returns the value of the parameter as an array of bytes or a zero length array if the user entered no value for this parameter.
getVar(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_ManagerPrefs
gibt den Wert einer Umgebungsvariablen zurueck.
getVM() - Method in class manager.RequestInfo
getVM() - Method in class services.Service
getZeitAtGruppe(String) - Method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
GlobalVarHandler - Class in services
Expandiert globale Variablen.
GlobalVarHandler(RequestInfo) - Constructor for class services.GlobalVarHandler
Group - Class in model
Repräsentiert Daten einer Übungsgruppe.
Group(String, String, String, String, int, int, String) - Constructor for class model.Group
GroupInfo - Class in services.student
GroupInfo(RequestInfo) - Constructor for class services.student.GroupInfo
GroupListing(RequestInfo, String, String) - Static method in class services.dozent.GroupManager
GroupManager - Class in services.dozent
GroupManager(RequestInfo) - Constructor for class services.dozent.GroupManager
GroupsAvailable() - Method in class xml.Xml_UegrVerwaltung
GRUPPE - Static variable in class xml_utils.Xml_Constants
GRUPPE_DATUM - Static variable in class xml_utils.Xml_Constants
GRUPPE_LEITER - Static variable in class xml_utils.Xml_Constants
GRUPPE_MATRIKELNUMMER - Static variable in class xml_utils.Xml_Constants
GRUPPE_NAME - Static variable in class xml_utils.Xml_Constants
GRUPPE_ORT - Static variable in class xml_utils.Xml_Constants
GRUPPE_STUDENT - Static variable in class xml_utils.Xml_Constants
GRUPPE_ZEIT - Static variable in class xml_utils.Xml_Constants
GruppenDaten - Class in de.dassow.ws.server
GruppenDaten() - Constructor for class de.dassow.ws.server.GruppenDaten